Quarantine Lower Body Exercises

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Hey Everyone!!! 👋 Ready for the lower body quarantine workout?!? 👨‍🏫 (…and yes, this was filmed inside a cruise cabin 🚢 no excuses haha). Stuck at home without exercise equipment? No problem! 🤩 Follow this routine for the legs; . ✅ 1. Bodyweight Squats with thera-band (3 sets x 10-15 repetitions with a 3" pause at the bottom…for a greater challenge use a lower surface for depth) ✅ 2. Elevated Split-Squats (3 x 10-15 alternating on each leg with emphasis on the eccentrics!) ✅ 3. Hip Abduction Walks With Thera-Band (3 rounds of 15-20 mini-steps in each direction) ✅ 4. Side-Lying Hip Abduction (3 x 10-15 alternating on each leg, feel the burnnn 🔥) ✅ 5. Tempo Calf Raises (3 x 10-15 focusing on slow control, 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down) . Let me know what you think, remember if anything is too painful please stop…stay safe everyone!! 😷 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #physicaltherapy #fisioterapia #exercise #exerciseismedicine #bodyweightworkout #bodyweight #performbetter #movebetter #trainsmart #sportsrehab #movement #ighealth #igfitness #theraband #legs #legsfordays #kneepain #hippain #glutes #meniscustear #squats #cruising #cruise #quarantine #alonetogether #inthistogether #whatwecando #quedateencasa #teaneck #nj

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